Who are Rosehip Teahouse? Faye, Tony, Will, Josh and Teddy make up this charming indie-dream-pop five peice from Cardiff. Originally Faye’s solo project which solidified around house shows and DIY gigs in the Welsh Capital.
Why Should You Listen? Whether it’s a sunny afternoon in the park with friends or huddled in your undersized room in midwinter, Rosehip have a comforting sound that can either help lift your mood up to match good weather or help you fold into your own melancholy corner of the world. The sort of band you would fall in love with mid-afternoon at an outdoor festival.
Where to start? Handily, there’s a divine new single out on Sad Club now that is great for a summer afternoon that will take you floating through memories of how you could have used your time better before lockdown.
Talking about the single Faye says that “I found myself dwelling on a lot of this stuff over the lockdown as all the empty time allows a lot of room for overthinking and it felt like the right time to record it. Now it’s out of my system I feel a lot better and can kind of laugh about it a bit.”
A deeper cut… Not on Spotify, go back and check out some of the earliest Rosehip recordings. Raw but with the beatiful songwriting her later songs continue to develop. PAYF so be nice yeah?
What should you listen to next? Continue floating with a bit a Alvvays, drift over to London for some Tugboat Captain and then continue your spaced out acoustic session with some Lily Hayes. Guarenteed to leave you feeling like you’re the protaganist in a mid-00s artistic rom-com.
*Side note, if you google Faye Rodgers (guitar and vocals in Rosehip) the first result is an MMA fighter, to the best of my knowledge these are not the same person…