Sign Sable Radio’s petition to Inner City Electronic
Teach British children about the realities of British Imperialism and Colonialism
Petition for more protections for black trans women in the UK
Suspend all UK exports of riot gear to the USA
Points to Donate
Split donation to bail funds, mutual aid funds, and activist organizations listed on this page
Gofundme page for Belly Mujinga, a ticket collector who died of COVID-19 after being spat at by a passenger
Gofundme Page for UK Legal Support for protestors
Educational Resources
University of Exeter Course on British Imperialism (free)
Free downloads of books by black activists including Franz Fanon, Angela Davis and loads more
Pluto Press are doing a 50% sale on all books by BAME authors until the 21st of June – link here
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
Other Media
thread of black documentaries that assist in understanding racism, prejudice, police brutality, and more. educate yourself and share your knowledge at a grassroots level. listen to one another
— LIV (@FILMSHAWTY) May 28, 2020
This list has been compiled by drawing together resources that have been shared by the Pretend team over the last few weeks and we plan to add to it as we go.