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Contact - Pretend
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We’d love to hear from you about what you’re doing and how we might be able to get invovled. All the contacts you might need are below.

You can always reach us on our socials @pretendonline on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

If you want to send us music or have questions about our events – james@pretendonline.co.uk.

We’re always on the look out for new writers, photographers, DJs, Presenters and artists to feature on our site so no matter what you want to do, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Please fill out our sign up form here and drop an email to james@pretendonline.co.uk to let us know you’re interested!

For written features – tom@pretendonline.co.uk
(We don’t do reviews, if you want to know there’s an article about that here)

For radio – james@pretendonline.co.uk & maddi@pretendonline.co.uk

All content is the property of Pretend and authors, photographers and videographers who made it